The main purpose of this tutorial is to show some basic use of datum plane feature in Creo Elements pro formally Pro Engineer.  IN my upcoming tutorial I might use them.

Start your creo element and make a new solid part. After getting into main window click at the datum plane icon. datum plane This will open a new box asking you to select the reference.  So click at front plane. To position our datum plane we need to make some offset distance so set the translation value to 70 and prefer the new plane lie behind the front plane and click ok.

datum plane select

Now select the front plane again and click at sketch button. in sketching window make a section as shown in fig using line and arc tool. First make a line of length 100 that is symmetrical about in arc tool menu select the center and end arc. First you have to specify the center of arc, for this just click at the middle of line than click at either end then click at other end. This will make the section like in fig. after this click at done button.sketch-section

Now make solid protrusion using extrude tool and make its depth up to 120 as shown in fig.Extrude

After extrusion click at extrude tool again. it will ask you to define sketch, for this select the datum plane you have created earlier and click at sketch button in dialog box.datum-select

In sketching window use line tool and concentric arc tool to make the sketch as shown in fig below. First draw a line at specified distance from above reference and then select the co-centric arc tool. Click at one end of line you sketched and then click at other end keeping the arc section above.

Click at done button. Now use solid cut option in extrude feature and make a cut as shown in fig. your cut should move from datum plane towards front plane.

Now we are going to draw a datum plane inclined to front plan. Click at datum plan icon and then click at top plane, for reference, make it offset up to 50. Now press and hold ctrl key  and select the  lower outer edge of the solid part. In following fig the mouse curser is highlighting the edge that have to be selected. it will make a plane that will be at some angle w.r.t  front plane. Now just rotate the plane to make it according to fig and click ok.inclined-datum

Now select the new plane click at sketch icon. Iin sketching window make a rectangle of reasonable parameter as shown in fig and click ok.

Now click at extrude button and use solid cut or solid protrusion, it’s your choice and make an extrude accordingly. i use solid cut and  make a little change in color. 

The final part will be as shown below.

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One response to “Basic use of Datum plane in Creo Parametric”

  1. Bright Mweene Avatar
    Bright Mweene

    Thanks so much. Would you have any tutorials on the application of FEA using creo parametric

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