In this tutorial i will explain two types of rounding,
1) Edge Round
2) Surface Round
Edge Round:-
this type is used to make round on the corner of any shape.
to try this first make a rectangle as shown
Then select the Round tool from tool menu.
now select the edge that you want to round after selecting an edge you will be able to change the diameter of round as you following fig you can see i have make it 9.5.
if you want to round only one edge then press done at this stage or if you want many edges to be round then select each edge for round. as you can see i have selected 4-front edges of rectangle .
now press done to complete this task…….
Surface Round:-
to make round between the two surface we have to select two surfaces between which we have to make round.First select the round tool and then click at a surface that you want to use in round.after selecting first surface press ctrl+click on second surface. now you part should looks like this.
To complete it just press done button.
we use surface round when ever we have to round the edge at very large extend
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