As I have mentioned in my last post that I will try to share the design of stirling engine.So today I am sharing the dseign tutorial of the stirling beta engine cylinder made using Creo Element/Pro. At the first place we will make CAD model of this cylinder and next we will make remaining parts of engine like piston, displacer, crank shaft, connecting rod, and fly wheel. At the end we will assemble it and we will analysis the working of this engine. All this stuff will be done with in the Creo Element/Pro. If any one of you uses other software than I will appreciate if you share that models here.
To make this cylinder you should have some basic knowledge of
I earlier have written some guides that show you the basic of these tools. Although I tried to cover them here but I will recommend you to read them first before doing its practice.
I am sharing all this for educational purpose and as I love to green technologies so I love this engine as it can be use with renewable energy sources. Download file practice it and save the part we will use it in future during next step
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